Identify the major characters in the outsiders and type their names into the different title boxes. Starting from the very beginning when pony returns home late darry slaps him across the face in the book, the movie he is vigorously pushed up against a wall. Choose a character from the 1900s tab to represent each of the literary characters. Ponyboy describes him as having an elfish face, with. Ponyboy curtis ponyboy is the fourteen year old narrator of the outsiders. The outsiders study guide for test and final 107 terms. Book vs moviethe outsiders by lexi atchley on prezi. Character of the outsiders study guides and book summaries. Dallys real name is dallas winston, and he is the toughest member of the greaser gang. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a.
The outsiders study guide contains a biography of author s. He is a high school dropout and works at the local gas station. She is best friends with cherry, and the girlfriend of randy. Ponyboy curtis is the protagonist of the outsiders. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel but did most of the work when she was 16 and a junior in high school. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, but did most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. The outsiders is narrated by the main character, ponyboy curtis. The outsiders focuses on the three curtis brothers, who live alone as a result of their parents death in an automobile accident.
Ponyboys literary interests and academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of his gang. This is one aspect of his character that readers are able to see evolve throughout the book. The outsiders characters and analysis characters and analysis. With such an awareness of literary protagonists, ponyboy sees himself as he is, as both character and narrator. We first meet our narrator, fourteenyearold ponyboy, as hes walking home from the moviesalone, which is something we know hes not supposed to be doing.
Darrel curtis darrel, or darry, is ponyboys oldest brother and guardian. It tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his two older brothers, soda and. He also describes the relationships between his gang members, and the relationships within his own family. Fandom apps take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ponyboy not only has just about the best name weve ever heard of we dare you to start calling. His east side neighborhood is patrolled by bullying socials, rich kids from the west side of town. Like a lot of lonely kids, i found solace in books and identified with characters who are outsiders like me who happened to be doing something incredible. The outsiders characters from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. Syme expresses concern over ponyboys falling grades. Darrel, or darry, is ponyboys oldest brother and guardian.
Marcia is a soc girl and a minor character in the outsiders, and its film adaptation. Johnny cade cliffsnotes study guides book summaries. Choose from 500 different sets of the outsiders book characters flashcards on quizlet. Hinton this set of lesson plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. College board top 100 common satact vocabulary words no images 100 terms. Create a character map for the major characters in the outsiders. Darry gives up the possibility of going to college and playing football so that he can take a. Dallas winston is the toughest and meanest of the greasers. The action of the outsiders takes place in tulsa, oklahoma in the 1960s. His keen interest in literature and strong academic prowess set him apart from the rest of his friends. Ponyboy is steadfastly loyal to his gang, shows up for his side in a rumble. He is the storys main protagonist, and the youngest member of the greasers. He is also the novels narrator, which means that he shares his story of maturation from his own perspective.
The outsiders characters from litcharts the creators of. He is the most thoughtful of his gang, and the story is told from his point of view. Select colors and a pose appropriate to story and character traits. Ponyboy michael curtis a 14yearold boy who is the narrator and main character in the outsiders.
Hinton, were not very heroicthey were just humansit was easy to believe that this is the. Ponyboy curtis johnny cade darrel curtis sodapop curtis dallas winston twobit mathews steve randle. T he outsiders is a classic in young adult fiction that revolutionised the genre by presenting adolescent characters that were the opposite of everything a teenager, by adult standards, should. Hinton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Some other important characters are twobit matthews, steve randle, dallas winston and cherry valance. The outsiders characters and analysis a research guide. Ponyboy curtis the novels fourteenyearold narrator and protagonist, and. He is 14, the baby of the group, and it becomes clear almost immediately that he struggles to fit into the rigid expectations of his caste. At the end of the novel, sodapop is the character who finally unites the curtis family, after he breaks down in tears over his brothers constant fighting. Bobs girlfriend, she is a soc cheerleader whom ponyboy meets at the movies. In the first chapter, ponyboy introduces himself and gives a brief history of his family. Greasers cant walk alone too much or theyll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream greaser.
Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the outsiders and what it means. The main characters in the outsiders are ponyboy, darrel and sodapop curtis. Twobit mathews, steve randle, dallas winston, johnny cade, sandy, cherry. Hinton published the outsiders, a book about the hurts and dreams shared by two groups of high school kids who grew up on opposite sides of the. He also realizes and appreciates how much darry loves and cares for him. Ponyboy is the fourteen year old narrator of the outsiders. The novel describes johnny as a lost puppy and a puppy that has been kicked too many times. According to pony, sixteenyearold johnny looks like a. The movie does not show all of the emotions that the characters have, but it. He takes on the narrators work of recounting events and the character s work of growing and changing as a result of those events. At least, thats what the outsiders has done for me and it looks as though its gold will stay.
Ponyboy explains that the greasers rule the poorer east side of town, while the socs run the wealthier west side of town. Johnny had been severely beaten by a group of socs before this story begins. Darry from the outsiders was a 20 year old boy who took responsibility and parented his brothers while keeping two jobs. What age is all the characters from the outsiders answers.
According to wikipedia, the outsiders is a comingofage novel by s. These are only a few questions we got asked in class about the outsiders book. The outsiders characters and analysis a research guide for. He is a twenty year old greaser, now tasked with the responsibility of raising his two. This novels strongest quality is the perspective of its main character, ponyboy curtis. The outsiders 1967 is a wellknown young adult novel by american writer s. The brothers are greasers, a class term that refers to the young men on the east side, the poor side of town.
Ponyboys struggle to reconcile his social class standing and gang membership with his individuality guides the entire novel. After finding out that sodapop is upset because his letters to sandy went unanswered, ponyboy realizes that he never had paid much attention to sodas problems. He is only 16 years old, but has already been beaten down by the cruelty of life. Who are the characters from the 1 chapter in the outsiders. This oversimplification of the tulsa setting reflects the characters longstanding beliefs that people belong to either one gang or the other, and there is no middle ground.
Here are some gems featuring a broad range of outsiders that have captured my imagination over the years. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel but did most of. His parents have been killed in an automobile accident, and he lives with his two brothers. His parents have been killed in an automobile accident, and. Use this to study outsiders characters learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. A dreamy fourteen year old boy who belongs to a gang of greasers. The characters in the plot give the reader a feeling this can be a true story. You will find out which character you are most like from the book, the outsiders it will also show what type of personality you. The outsiders is very clear that the violence is serious and real. Johnny cade a member of the greasers whom the other gang members try to protect. The narrator of ithe outsiders, ponyboy is fourteen years old and a greaser. On publishing the outsiders 50 years ago, hinton conjured a magic that many writers of fiction can only dream of. Characters character list ponyboy curtis the novels fourteenyearold narrator and protagonist, and the youngest of the greasers.
Learn the outsiders book characters with free interactive flashcards. Also after the fire when johnny goes to the hospital dally in the book. Character list for the outsiders flashcards quizlet. Soda pop patrick curtis ponyboys 16goingon17yearold brother. He wonders why life is so much more difficult for him and his friends than it is for their rivals, the socs. The middle of the curtis brothers, sodapop is equally as handsome as his brothers. Ponyboy learns that his behavior impacts others, and this newly acquired maturity leads to the telling of the outsiders story.
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